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There’s a big difference between dehumidifiers
Buying a dehumidifier can be a minefield. Let us help you make the best decision for your home.
Types of dehumidifier
Ideal for UK domestic applications like removing damp and condensation
Reasonable for small levels of water extraction
Not suitable for UK domestic applications due to the very high running costs
Chemical absorption
Only work in very small areas such as cupboards
Control system
There are three controls systems to consider. As the optimal level of humidity to prevent damp and condensation can vary in the UK, you need an intelligent control system to manage this.
Smart Control
An automatic intelligent control system that adapts to the changing environment and controls the dehumidifier accordingly. Lower running costs and a faster solution to damp and condensation problems.
Preset humidistat
The worst control system. Not only is it not automatic and intelligent but forces humidity to be set at a pre-determined level. This type of control system will be the worst-performing of them all.
Infinite humidistat
Although a humidistat does not have the advantages of Smart Control, an infinite humidistat allows the humidity settings to be changed in smaller, 1 degree increments. A better solution than a preset humidistat.
Extraction rates
Too much
Removing more than 2 litres per day is pointless and expensive.
Too little
Removing too little moisture will not solve your problem.
Just right
Removing up to 2 litres per day is the perfect amount.
Running costs
Don’t be fooled by claims of “low energy” dehumidifiers. Unless a dehumidifier has a smart control system it will run too much in the UK climate and cost a lot more to run, regardless of its energy rating. Equally, one that doesn’t run enough will not solve your problem.
3 Bedroom Home Running Costs Comparison
UK climate
Ebac dehumidifiers are the only dehumidifiers that are designed and manufactured in the UK. They're also designed specifically for the UK climate.
Other dehumidifiers available in the UK tend to be manufactured in Asia