How To Choose The Right Dehumidifier

5th Jan 2018

Choosing a dehumidifier can be confusing. There is a lot of misinformation around buying the right dehumidifier for you and your home. We have seen it all over the last 4 decades and understand that there is a lot to consider about the performance of a dehumidifier. Let us guide you through the key things to consider.

1. Desiccant dehumidifier of Compressor dehumidifier?

There are 2 different sorts of dehumidifier - Compressor and Desiccant dehumidifiers. Each of these dehumidifiers has unique attributes that make them suitable for different applications depending on prevailing conditions. Here at Ebac, we recommend compressor dehumidifiers for you and your home. Why? A compressor dehumidifier provides the optimum level of water extraction at the lowest cost. Desiccant dehumidifiers are not suitable for domestic use in the UK - they use a substantial amount of energy compared to compressor dehumidifiers with no additional benefit.

2. Where will the dehumidifier be used?

Most domestic dehumidifiers are used to prevent condensation, dampness and mould around the home. Although most people know that a dehumidifier will solve the problem, it is often a mystery about where exactly to put them. Even though condensation, dampness and mould may only be a problem in one part of your home, the source of this excess moisture will be from a number of places including showering and cooking. Because your entire house generates excess moisture, Ebac recommend leaving internal doors ajar to ensure all excess moisture is removed around the home no matter where the dehumidifier is placed.

3. How much water needs to be removed?

The main factor in determining the amount of moisture that needs to be removed is by the number of people in the home and how much excess moisture they produce. That being said, a typical UK home needs a maximum of 2.5 litres of water per day to make sure all excess moisture is reduced. Ebac dehumidifiers have been optimised for the British Climate and as such will take out more water than other brands at UK conditions and will do so with lower running costs.

4. How to control the dehumidifier

Due to changing conditions inside and outside the home, manually adjustable humidistats need to be reset several times a day - ideally every hour. If the setting of the dehumidifier is not right, the dehumidifier will often run when it does not need to, or even at the wrong setting, Unlike simple humidistats, Smart technology will control your problem quickly and effectively - minimising running costs and ensuring a fast resolution to condensation, dampness and mould around your home. Ebac's patented Smart Control technology automatically detects when to operate, switching on and off when neeeded. All Ebac Smart dehumidifiers will give you the peace of mind to know your dehumidifier is running effectively and efficeiently without manual changes having to be made.

Get the benefit of over 4 decades of experiences in manufacturing dehumidifiers Made in Britain for the British Climate.

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