10 Facts You Should Know Before Buying a Dehumidifier

15th Dec 2023

Dehumidifiers solve condensation problems. But before you storm straight into a shop to buy one, there are 10 facts you should know.

1. Dehumidifiers Prevent Damp and Mould
Condensation forms when there is excess moisture in the air. This collects on your windows and walls and eventually causes damp and mould.

Dehumidifiers remove the air’s moisture, preventing condensation from manifesting.

2. The Best Dehumidifiers Have Smart Control
Smart Control is an automatic control system developed by Ebac. It assesses the air’s Relative Humidity every 30 minutes and adjusts the dehumidifier’s functioning.

The dehumidifier switches itself off when moisture levels are low and turns itself back on when they rise. This saves up to 35% on running costs!

3. Compressor Dehumidifiers are Better than Desiccant Dehumidifiers
Desiccant dehumidifiers are built for unheated buildings with extreme moisture levels. They use a lot of energy attempting to remove all that moisture.

Desiccant dehumidifiers remove 3 times too much moisture than is necessary for UK homes. Compressor dehumidifiers remove just the right amount of moisture and don’t waste energy.

4. Dehumidifiers Made in China Won’t Work
Chinese-manufactured dehumidifiers are built for European countries, where condensation is caused by high heat and humidity. As UK homes suffer from cold, damp air, Chinese-manufactured dehumidifiers aren’t suitable here.

5. Open Containers Lead to Spillages
All dehumidifiers have a container that stores condensation, but they differ; some have open containers, and others closed containers with handles.

Open containers are easy to spill, making the dehumidifier a safety risk. Ensure you purchase a dehumidifier with a closed water container and a handle to prevent spillages.

6. Cheap Dehumidifiers Cost You in the End
Cheap dehumidifiers have a lower initial cost but are more expensive to run. Cheap dehumidifiers are built with low-quality parts, making them more likely to break. They also aren’t efficient, using more energy for the same outcome.

7. Manual Humidistats Waste Your Time
Dehumidifiers with manual humidistats have an adjustable dial to set Relative Humidity. But Relative Humidity doesn’t remain constant, so you’d need to change the settings multiple times a day for these dehumidifiers to be effective.

7. Some Dehumidifiers are Noisier than Others
For a dehumidifier to sit nicely in your home without becoming a constant irritation, you need to buy a quiet one. Steer clear of cheap dehumidifiers as these are typically noisier. It’s worth asking about noise level when purchasing; otherwise, you’ll have no way of knowing!

9. A Dehumidifier’s Size Matters!
Before buying your dehumidifier, think about the size of the spot you’d like it to go in. Also, consider the size of your doorways if you plan to move your dehumidifier between rooms.

10. Running Costs Are Important!
Initial costs are important, but so are long-term running costs. Check the running cost guidance on each dehumidifier to ensure you won’t be forking out too much cash for the years to come!

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