Are You Frustrated with Constant Condensation?

15th Feb 2024

Are You Frustrated with Constant Condensation?

Condensation rears its ugly head during the colder months. From September to March, there’s more moisture in the outside air. This moist air creeps into your house and finds a home on your windows and walls.

The feeling of frustration caused by condensation build-up can make you ignore it altogether, but Ebac wouldn’t recommend this. Condensation that goes untreated can result in dampness and mould; these are a lot more expensive to solve than condensation.

Keep reading to find out how to solve your condensation problem.

How to Fix Condensation

There’s only one way to solve your condensation problem: buy a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers are specifically made to prevent condensation. They have a fan at the front which sucks in moist air. The dehumidifier then turns the moisture into condensation and stores it in a container. Once the air is moisture-free, the dehumidifier expels it out the back.

All you need to do is find an efficient dehumidifier that works well in your home.

What Dehumidifier Should You Buy?

Dehumidifiers with humidistats sound great but aren’t effective. You would have to change the settings multiple times a day for it to suit your home’s moisture levels. No one has time for that, so an alternative is needed.

Ebac dehumidifiers work at the highest efficiency due to their automatic control system. Every 30 minutes, they monitor the moisture levels in the air and adjust the dehumidifier to fit this. If the moisture levels are low, the dehumidifier will switch off. When the moisture levels rise, it’ll switch itself back on.

You can rest easy knowing your Ebac dehumidifier is doing the work for you. Your home will be condensation-free before you know it. And you won’t be forking out on ridiculous running costs!

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